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We are committed to make you fresh Gluten Free Baked Goods in our premises 6 days a week. We adhere to the highest hygiene level as always, keeping a low density work environment to ensure everyone's safety, your health is our top priority. Almost all of our staffs were vaccinated as of 4/21/2021
We make everything in-house from scratch in our dedicated gluten free bakery. From cookie to bagels, each loaf of artisan GF bread is all made by hand ourselves.
Please come visit us, our store hours are as follows:
Tuesday-Sunday 8am to 4pm
Monday Closed
We are now kosher certified. Certificate is being renewed every year.
All Natural and Wholesome just like your family made it for you!
In addition to Gluten Free, many items are Vegan, Paleo, Keto and Dairy Free too!
A list of "No" in order to get a "Yes" from you:
-No Trans Fat
-No Wheat
-No Gluten
-No High Fructose Corn Syrup
-No Preservatives
-No Additives
-No Chemicals
-No Artificial Ingredients
-No Artificial Coloring or Dye
Don't forget to "Like" us on Facebook Instagram Tweeter or Pinterest. Thank you so much.
Or click icons on the left to get to know us.
Below is a test report conducted by the FDA, tested the baked goods produced at our Gluten Free Bakery contains NO DETECTABLE GLUTEN